
























2018.11-2021.08kaiyun体育登录网页入口(华东)新能源研究院 副经理















7国际期刊Computer Modeling in Engineering & SciencesOpen Physics编委;

8国际期刊Applied Thermal Engineering, Energies, Nanometerial, Physics of Fluid, Journal of Thermal Science, Journal of Porous Media等客座编辑;

9Conference Organizer, ITherm 2020, ASME MNHMT 2019, IWHT2017, ASME MNHMT 2015, ASCHT2013.

10Executive Chair, ASCHT2021.




张志豪2017年入学攻读硕士学位,期间发表期刊/会议论文5篇,SCI二区3篇;2020年获得国家公派留学奖学金赴英国University of Nottingham(诺丁汉大学)攻读博士学位。

石基弘:2016年入学攻读硕士学位,期间发表期刊/会议论文4篇,SCI/EI检索3篇;2017年至2018年赴沙特King Abdullah University of Science & Technology(阿卜杜拉国王科技大学,KAUST)进行硕士联合培养;2019年赴英国King’s College London(伦敦国王学院,KCL)攻读博士学位。


林涛2013年入学攻读硕士学位,期间发表期刊/会议论文3篇;2016年赴英国Queen Mary University of London(伦敦大学玛丽女王学院)攻读博士学位。

赵瑾2012年入学攻读硕士学位,期间发表期刊/会议论文5篇,SCI二区3篇;2014年荣获国家奖学金;2015年获得公派留学奖学金赴英国 University of Leeds(利兹大学)攻读博士学位;2019在英国University of Manchester(曼彻斯特大学)完成博士后工作。现任北京航空航天大学副教授,博士生导师,入选国家级青年人才。


1超声波作用下微通道流动沸腾过程调控及强化换热机理研究. 2023.01-2026.12,国家自然科学基金面上项目(52276090),项目负责人;

2中低压纯氢与掺氢燃气管道系统事故特征演化及完整性管理. 2022.01-2024.11,国家重点研发计划-子课题(2021YFB4001603),项目负责人;

3增强型地热系统热---化四场耦合热质传输机理研究. 2020.01-2024.12,国家自然科学基金重点项目(51936001),项目负责人(合作单位);

4大功率微通道热管理及键合互连关键技术研究. 2019.12-2024.12,山东省自然科学基金重大基础研究项目(ZR2019ZD11),项目负责人;

5超疏水微通道层流流动减阻与强化传热的协同机制研究. 2017.01-2020.12,国家自然科学基金面上项目(51676208),项目负责人;

6浸润性仿生特性对微尺度流动传热及结构应变的耦合协同机理研究. 2018.01-2020.12,kaiyun体育登录网页入口(华东) 自主创新杰青培育项目(18CX07012A),项目负责人;

7高功率密度微流道冷却的基础研究. 2013.01-2015.12,国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(51206187),项目负责人;

8微尺度流动换热与热应力耦合问题的基础研究. 2013.01-2015.12,教育部博士点基金青年教师项目(20120133120007),项目负责人;

9高能量密度微流道冷却研究. 2012.07-2015.07,山东省自然科学基金青年基金项目(ZR2012EEQ022),项目负责人;

10基于CSP和人工黑体的新型太阳能集热器的研制. 2012.07-2014.06,青岛经济技术开发区重点科技发展计划项目(2012-2-55),项目负责人;

11非常规油气藏高速通道压裂开采基础研究. 2014.05-2016.06,kaiyun体育登录网页入口(华东)自主创新科技专项项目(14CX05027A),项目负责人;

12微通道热沉对高发热量冷却的可行性研究. 2011.10-2013.09,kaiyun体育登录网页入口(华东)自主创新青年基金项目,项目负责人;

13微系统一体化微流道集成高效散热技术研究. 2022.03-2026.06, 西安微电子技术研究所,项目负责人;

14高含水老油田流场表征与开发优化调控技术研究. 2021.11-2022.12,中国石油化工股份有限公司胜利油田分公司勘探开发研究院,项目负责人;

15油田废弃井地热资源应用模式研究. 2020.11-2020.12,中国石化集团胜利石油管理局有限公司新能源开发中心,项目负责人;

16非凝析气在稠油中分散的分子动力学模拟研究. 2020.10-2020.12,中国石油化工股份有限公司胜利油田分公司石油工程技术研究院,项目负责人;

17特高含水水驱油藏流动单元渗流界面定量识别模型测试. 2019.12-2019.12,中国石油化工股份有限公司胜利油田分公司勘探开发研究院,项目负责人;

18储气库井筒水合物防治技术研究. 2019.11-2019.12,中国石油化工股份有限公司胜利油田分公司石油工程技术研究院,项目负责人;

19顺北一区高效采油技术研究-顺北油藏注入介质优选测试. 2018.09-2019.10,中国石油化工股份有限公司西北油田分公司,项目负责人;

20B-PPG在微观孔喉中运移特征及压力变化规律研究. 2016.12-2017.06,中国石油化工股份有限公司胜利油田分公司勘探开发研究院,项目负责人。


2022.03 荣获山东省第九届高等公司产品成果奖二等奖,6/10

2021.10 荣获kaiyun体育登录网页入口(华东)“优秀教师”

2019.12 荣获kaiyun体育登录网页入口(华东)教学成果二等奖,1/5

2019.07 荣获教育部高等学校能源动力类专业教学改革项目优秀重点项目奖

2017.11 荣获kaiyun体育登录网页入口(华东)教学成果二等奖,2/5

2016.12 荣获kaiyun体育登录网页入口华东创新创业教育突出贡献奖

2016.05 荣获教育部能动类专业教指委教学改革会议优秀论文奖

2015.03 荣获山东省“调研山东”老员工社会调查“优秀指导教师”

2014.06 荣获山东省“挑战杯”老员工创业大赛“优秀指导教师”

2014.05 入选“kaiyun体育登录网页入口(华东)青年教师骨干人才工程”

2013.11 荣获kaiyun体育登录网页入口(华东)“十佳班主任”

2013.08 荣获山东省“优秀学位论文指导教师”

2013.06 荣获山东省“挑战杯”竞赛“优秀指导教师”

※ 代表论文

1Yuan Zhang, Bin Ding*, Dong-Yu Zhao, Sha Zhao, Liang Gong*. Effect of natural convection and diffusion on liquid-liquid phase separation behaviors of partially miscible solutions with lower critical solution temperature [J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2023,201:123566. (Q1, IF=5.431, SCI, EI)

2Dexin Zhang, Chuanyong Zhu, Kui Li, Xinyue Duan, Liang Gong*, Bin Ding, Minghai Xu. Design and the transient thermal control performance analysis of a novel PCM-based active-passive cooling heat sink [J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2023, 220:119525

3Dexin Zhang, Chuanyong Zhu, Liang Gong*, Bin Ding, Minghai Xu. Investigation on Thermal Performance of a Novel Passive Phase Change Material-Based Fin Heat Exchanger [J]. Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications, 2023,15:021007. (Q2, IF=1.879, EI)

4Chuanyong Zhu, Guanglei Yu, Xiao Ren, Binghuan Huang, Liang Gong*. Modelling of the effective thermal conductivity of composites reinforced with fibers and particles by two-step homogenization method [J]. Composites Science and Technology, 2022,230:109766. (Q1, IF=9.879, SCI, EI)

5Dexin Zhang, Bin Ding, Chuanyong Zhu, Liang Gong*. Enhancement of Natural Convection for Cooling Active Antenna Unit Device in 5G Base Station [J]. Journal of Thermal Science, 2022, 31:1551-1564. (Q3, IF=2.013, SCI, EI)

6Yifan Zhang, Mingjia Li, Xiao Ren, Xinyue Duan, Chiajun Wu, Huan Xi, Yongqing Feng, Liang Gong*, Tzu-Chen Hung*. Effect of heat source supplies on system behaviors of ORCs with different capacities: An experimental comparison between the 3 kW and 10 kW unit [J]. Energy, 2022,254:124267. (Q1, IF=8.857, SCI, EI)

7Bin Ding, Wenchuang Feng, Jian Fang, Shuzhe Li*, Liang Gong*. How natural convection affect cooling performance of PCM heat sink[J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2022, 184: 122272. (Q1, IF=5.58, SCI, EI)

8Chuanyong Zhu, Zhiyang He, Mu Du, Liang Gong*, Xinyu Wang*. Predicting the effective thermal conductivity of unfrozen soils with various water contents based on artificial neural network[J]. Nanotechnology, 2021, 33(6): 065408. (Q2, IF=3.87, SCI, EI)

9Zekai Gu, Chuanyong Zhu, Zhaoqin Huang, Minghai Xu, Liang Gong*. Numerical simulations on the adsorption characteristics of aromatics on activated carbon by the GCMC method[J]. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 2021, 26: 101116. (Q1, IF=4.72, SCI, EI)

10Liang Gong, Yifan Zhang, Zhang Bai*. Geothermal-solar hybrid power with the double-pressure evaporation arrangement and the system off-design evaluation[J]. Energy Conversion and Management, 2021, 244: 114501. (Q1, IF=9.71, SCI, EI)

11Xiaoyu Wang, Liang Gong*, Qiang Guo, Lijun Liu, Haokui Jiang, Hongliang Zhao, Yang Li*, Jun Yao. Numerical simulation of the distribution of invading fines in packed proppant[J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2021, 206: 108977. (Q1, IF=4.35, SCI, EI)

12Chuanyong Zhu, Wenxin Yang, Haibo Xu, Bin Ding, Liang Gong*, Zengyao Li*. A general effective thermal conductivity model for composites reinforced by non-contact spherical particles[J]. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2021, 168: 107088. (Q1, IF=3.89, SCI, EI)

13Chuanyong Zhu, Zekai Gu, Haibo Xu, Bin Ding, Liang Gong*, Zengyao Li*. The effective thermal conductivity of coated/uncoated fiber-reinforced composites with different fiber arrangements[J]. Energy, 2021, 230: 120756. (Q1, IF=6.05, SCI, EI)

14Yongtong Li, Liang Gong*, Minghai Xu, Yogendra Joshi*. A review of thermo-hydraulic performance of metal foam and its application as heat sinks for electronics cooling[J]. Journal of Electronic Packaging, 2021, 143(3): 030801. (Q2, IF=2.15, SCI, EI)

15Yifan Zhang, Liang Gong*, Tzu-Chen Hung*. Innovative arrangements of multiple organic Rankine cycles to effectively generate power from the medium-to-low grade of heat source[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2021, 193: 116960. (Q1, IF=4.51, SCI, EI)

16Yongtong Li, Liang Gong*, Bin Ding, Minghai Xu, Yogendra Joshi. Thermal management of power electronics with liquid cooled metal foam heat sink[J]. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2021, 163: 106796. (Q1, IF=3.89, SCI, EI)

17Xiaoyu Wang, Jun Yao, Liang Gong*, Yang Li*, Yongfei Yang, Hongliang Zhao. Computational fluid dynamic–discrete element method coupling analysis of particle transport in branched networks[J]. Particuology, 2021, 55: 140-150. (Q2, IF=3.11, SCI, EI)

18Yongtong Li,Liang Gong*, Minghai Xu, Yogendra Joshi. Thermal Performance of Metal Foam Heat Sink With Pin Fins for Nonuniform Heat Flux Electronics Cooling [J]. Journal of Electronic Packaging-ASME, 2021, 143(1): 011006 (Q2, IF= 1.931, SCI, EI)

19Bin Ding, Zhihao Zhang,Liang Gong*, Chuanyong Zhu, Minghai Xu. Coupling management optimization of temperature and thermal stress inside 3D-IC with multi-cores and various power density[J]. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 2021, 120: 105021. (Q1, IF=4.73, SCI, EI)

20Liang Gong, Yuan Zhang, Na Li, Zekai Gu, Bin Ding, Chuanyong Zhu*. Molecular Investigation on the Displacement Characteristics of CH4 by CO2, N2 and Their Mixture in a Composite Shale Model[J]. Energies, 2021,14(1): 2. (Q2, IF= 3.252, SCI, EI)

21Liang Gong, Jihong Shi, Bin Ding, Zhaoqin Huang, Shuyu Sun, Jun Yao. Molecular insight on competitive adsorption and diffusion characteristics of shale gas in water-bearing channels [J]. Fuel, 2020, 278: 118406 (Q1, IF= 5.80, SCI, EI)

22Yongtong Li, Liang Gong*, Minghai Xu, Yogendra Joshi*. Enhancing the performance of aluminum foam heat sinks through integrated pin fins[J].  International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2020, 151: 119376. (Q1, IF= 4.73, SCI, EI)

23Bin Ding, Zhihao Zhang, Liang Gong*, Minghai Xu, Zhaoqin Huang. A novel thermal management scheme for 3D-IC chips with multi-cores and high power density[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2020, 168: 114832. (Q1, IF= 4.51, SCI, EI)

24Yongtong Li, Liang Gong*, Minghai Xu, Yogendra Joshi. Hydraulic and thermal performances of metal foam and pin fin hybrid heat sink[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2020, 166: 114665. (Q1, IF= 4.51, SCI, EI)

25Hui Lu, Minghai Xu, Liang Gong*, Xinyue Duan, John C. Chai*. Effects of surface roughness in microchannel with passive heat transfer enhancement structures[J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2020, 148: 119070. (Q1, IF= 4.66, SCI, EI)

26Xiaoyu Wang, Jun Yao, Liang Gong*, Hai Sun, Yongfei Yang, Wenchao Liu, Yang Li*. Numerical study on particle transport and deposition in rough fractures[J]. Oil & Gas Science and Technology-Revue d IFP Energies Nouvelles, 2020, 75: 23. (Q1, IF= 1.88, SCI, EI)

27Liang Gong, Yupeng Xu, Bin Ding*, Zhihao Zhang, Zhaoqin Huang. Thermal management and structural parameters optimization of MCM-BGA 3D package model[J]. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2020, 147: 106120. (Q1, IF= 4.00, SCI, EI)

28Xiaoyu Wang, Jun Yao, Liang Gong*, Hai Sun*, Yongfei Yang, Lei Zhang, Yang Li*, Wenchao Liu. Numerical simulations of proppant deposition and transport characteristics in hydraulic fractures and fracture networks[J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2019, 183: 106401. (Q1, IF= 3.66, SCI, EI)

29Zhang Bai, Qibin Liu*, Liang Gong*, Jing Lei. Investigation of a solar-biomass gasification system with the production of methanol and electricity: Thermodynamic, economic and off-design operation[J]. Applied Energy, 2019, 243: 91-101. (Q1, IF= 9.54, SCI, EI)

30Yupeng Xu, Liang Gong*, Yongtong Li, Zhang Bai, Minghai Xu. Thermal Performance and Mechanics Characteristic for Double Layer Microchannel Heat Sink[J]. Journal of Thermal Science, 2019, 28(2): 271-282. (Q3, IF= 1.48, SCI, EI)

31Jihong Shi, Liang Gong*, Shuyu Sun, Zhaoqin Huang, Bin Ding, Jun Yao. Competitive adsorption phenomenon in shale gas displacement processes[J]. RSC Advances, 2019, 9(44): 25326-25335. (Q2, IF= 3.16, SCI, EI)

32Zhang Bai, Taixiu Liu, Qibin Liu*, Jing Lei, Liang Gong*, Hongguang Jin. Performance investigation of a new cooling, heating and power system with methanol decomposition based chemical recuperation process[J]. Applied Energy, 2018, 229: 1152-1163. (Q1, IF= 9.54, SCI, EI)

33Liang Gong, Yongtong Li, Zhang Bai*, Minghai Xu. Thermal performance of micro-channel heat sink with metallic porous/solid compound fin design[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018, 137: 288-295.(Q1, IF= 4.58, SCI, EI)

34Yongtong Li, Liang Gong*, Minghai Xu, Yogendra Joshi. Thermal Performance Analysis of Biporous Metal Foam Heat Sink[J]. Journal of Heat Transfer-ASME, 2017, 139(5): 052005. (Q2, IF= 1.58, SCI, EI)

35Shanbo Huang, Jin Zhao, Liang Gong*, Xinyue Duan. Thermal performance and structure optimization for slotted microchannel heat sink[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017, 115: 1266-1276. (Q1, IF= 4.58, SCI, EI)

36Minghai Xu, Hui Lu, Liang Gong*, John C. Chai, Xinyue Duan. Parametric numerical study of the flow and heat transfer in microchannel with dimples[J]. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 2016, 76: 348-357. (Q1, IF=4.84, SCI, EI)

37Jin Zhao, Shanbo Huang, Liang Gong*. Numerical study and optimizing on micro square pin-fin heat sink for electronic cooling[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2016, 93: 1347-1359. (Q1, IF= 4.58, SCI, EI)

38Liang Gong*, Jin Zhao, Shanbo Huang. Numerical study on layout of micro-channel heat sink for thermal management of electronic devices[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2015, 88: 480-490. (Q1, IF= 4.58, SCI, EI)

39Lin Guo, Huijin Xu*, Liang Gong*. Influence of wall roughness models on fluid flow and heat transfer in microchannels[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2015, 84: 399-408. (Q1, IF= 4.58, SCI, EI)

40Huijin Xu, Liang Gong*, Shanbo Huang, Minghai Xu. Flow and heat transfer characteristics of nanofluid flowing through metal foams[J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2015, 83: 399-407. (Q1, IF= 4.73, SCI, EI)

41Huijin Xu, Liang Gong*, Shanbo Huang, Minghai Xu. Non-equilibrium heat transfer in metal-foam solar collector with no-slip boundary condition[J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2014, 76: 357-365. (Q1, IF= 4.73, SCI, EI)

42Liang Gong, Krishna Kota, Wenquan Tao, Yogendra Joshi*. Thermal performance of microchannels with wavy walls for electronics cooling[J]. IEEE Transactions on Components Packaging and Manufacturing Technology. 2011, 1(7): 1029-1035. (Q2, IF=2.26, SCI, EI)

43Liang Gong, Krishna Kota, Wenquan Tao, Yogendra Joshi*. Parametric Numerical Study of Flow and Heat Transfer in Microchannels With Wavy Walls[J]. Journal of Heat Transfer-ASME, 2011, 133(5): 051702. (Q2, IF= 1.58, SCI, EI)

44Liang Gong, Zengyao Li, Yaling He, Wenquan Tao*. Discussion on numerical treatment of periodic boundary condition for temperature[J]. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B, 2007, 52(5): 429-448. (Q2, IF=1.42, SCI, EI)

45巩亮, 韩东旭, 陈峥, 汪道兵, 焦开拓, 张旭, 宇波*.增强型地热系统关键技术研究现状及发展趋势[J]. 天然气工业, 2022,42(7):135-159. (EI)

46郭勇, 朱传勇, 郭雯, 丁斌, 段欣悦, 巩亮*. 扰流结构微通道流动沸腾换热特性的数值研究[J]. 工程热物理学报, 2022,43(5):1296-1303. (EI)

47石基弘,陈诚,巩亮*,白章,孙树瑜. 甲烷在干酪根中的吸附及扩散特性[J]. 工程热物理学报, 2019, 40(6): 1338-1343. (EI)

48李勇铜, 巩亮*, 徐明海, 白章. 金属泡沫复合微肋微通道热沉的流动传热特性分析[J]. 科学通报, 2019, 64(2): 215-222. (EI)

49李勇铜, 巩亮*, 张克舫, 徐会金. 多孔金属布置对热沉传热特性影响的数值研究[J]. 工程热物理学报, 2015(11): 2422-2426. (EI)

50巩亮, 何雅玲, 丁文静, 陶文铨*. 3代脉管制冷机的工作原理和性能的场模拟数值分析[J]. 航空学报, 2010, 31 (1): 19-27. (EI)


1巩亮,李勇铜,祝仰文等. 测量预交联凝胶颗粒在岩石微观孔喉中运移规律的方法. 国家发明专利,专利号:ZL201710912831.X

2巩亮,李勇铜,徐会金等.一种梯密度金属泡沫换热管.国家发明专利,专利号: ZL201510348714.6

3巩亮,徐会金,段欣悦等.一种高热流密度加热表面的透镜式模拟装置.国家发明专利,专利号: ZL201411554443.5






1颗粒纤维增强多组分复合材料热导率的预测,高等学校工程热物理第二十八全国学术会议,2022/06/30-2022/07/03,昆明.  (主旨报告)

2Molecular simulation of adsorption and displacement characteristics of gas in shale reservoir, The 8th Asian Symposium on Computational Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow, ASCHT 2021, 2021/09/23-2021/09/26, Qingdao. (Keynote Lecture)

3Study of Fluid Drag Reduction and Heat Transfer Enhancement in Microchannels with Different Surface Properties, IWHT2021, 2021/08/13-2021/08/16, Harbin. (Keynote Lecture)

4深层裂缝性地热田嵌入式离散裂缝热流固耦合数值模拟, 中国深层地热论坛2020, 2020/11/27-2020/11/29, 武汉. (特邀报告)

5干热岩地热高效开采和太阳能梯级利用方案, 2020年西藏清洁能源研讨会, 2020/7/28-2020/7/31, 林芝. (邀请报告)

6石油开发及输送过程中多相流传输机制的数值研究,2019年中国工程热物理学会多相流学术会议, 2019/11/08-2019/11/11, 长沙. (主旨报告)

73D-IC热管理及热流固协同机理研究, 2019年中国工程热物理学会传热传质学术会议, 2019/10/18-2019/10/20, 青岛. (邀请报告)

8Thermal Management on Electric Devices with 3D Packaging, International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering and Sciences 2019, ICCES 2019, 2019/03/25-2019/03/28, Tokyo. (Semi-Plenary Lecture)

9Thermal Management using Micro-channel Heat Sink, International Workshop on Thermal Design and Management of Multi-Scale Electronic System, 2017/12/19-2017/12/20, Bangalore. (Invited Lecture)

10Modeling of thermal transport in metal foam and its application, Third International Conference on Engineering and Computational Mathematics, ECM 2017, 2017/5/31-2017/6/2, Hong Kong. (Invited Lecture)

11Thermal Performance of Mini Channel Heat Sink with Metal foam, The3rd Micro &Nanoscale Heat Transfer and Energy Workshop, MNHTE 2016, 2016/10/1-2016/10/2, Kenting. (Invited Lecture)

12Thermal Performance of Mini Channel Heat Sink with Metal foam, 4th International Workshop on Fluid Flow, Heat Transfer and Turbulent Drag Reduction, IWFHT 2016, 2016/8/7-2016/8/9, Tokyo. (Plenary Lecture)

13Study of Flow Heat Transfer and Thermal Stress in Double Layer Microchannel heat sink, International Heat Transfer Symposium 2016, 2016/6/26-2016/6/29, Nottingham, UK. (Invited Lecture)

14Heat transfer enhancement on micro-channel heat sink for thermal management of electronic devices, 3rd International Workshop on Fluid Flow, Heat Transfer and Turbulent Drag Reduction, IWFHT 2015, 2015/12/6-­2015/12/9, Xi'an. (Plenary Lecture)

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