姓名:杨广武 | 系属:材料科学与工程学院新能源材料系 | |
学位:博士 | ||
专业:化学 | 导师类别:硕导 | |
电子邮箱:yanggw@upc.edu.cn | ||
通讯地址:山东省青岛市黄岛区长江西路66号 | ||
概况 | ||
1、太阳能电池材料 2、储能电池材料
2005.09-2009.07,兰州大学,分析化学,博士 2001.09-2005.07,兰州大学,化学,学士
2011.01-至今,kaiyun体育登录网页入口(华东),副教授 2010.08-2010.12,kaiyun体育登录网页入口(华东),讲师 2009.06-2010.06,新加坡国立大学,研究助理
1、国家自然科学基金青年项目1项 2015.01—2017.12,量子点敏化p-型太阳能电池的构建、载流子传输机制及抑制电荷复合研究(项目编号21403302),主持,已结题。 2、山东省自然科学基金青年项目1项 2011.7—2014.7,纳米结构的串叠型太阳能电池的模型设计与性能研究(项目编号ZR2011EMQ003),主持,已结题。 3、kaiyun体育登录网页入口(华东)自主创新科研计划项目2项 2011.4—2013.12,一种可用于高效太阳能光电转化的串叠型太阳能电池的原型研究(项目编号11CX05004A),主持,已结题。 2018.1—2020.12,p-型敏化太阳能电池关键界面的电荷复合机理及其抑制方法研究(项目编号18CX02053A),主持,在研。
1、教学奖励: kaiyun体育登录网页入口(华东)优秀教学成果二等奖“太阳能电池特性测量实验综合开发”,排名3/4,2015年 2、科研奖励: 第九届甘肃省李政道奖,排名独立,2008年。
1、Guang-WuYang, Cai-Ling Xu, Hu-Lin Li*. Electrodeposited nickel hydroxideon nickel foam with ultrahigh capacitance. ChemicalCommunications, 2008, 44, 6537–6539 (被“natureChina”评为中国大陆和香港地区一周研究 两点,ESI高被引论文) 2、Guang-WuYang, Guo-Yu Gao, Ce Wang, Cai-Ling Xu, Hu-Lin Li*. Controllabledeposition of Ag nanoparticles on carbon nanotubes as a catalystfor hydrazine oxidation. Carbon, 2008, 46(5), 747–752.(入选该杂志2008年高引用论文,ESI高被引论文) 3、GuangwuYang*, Fuzhen Zhao, Bing He, Wenyue Guo, Xiaoqing Lu, QingzhongXue. A prototype of three-dimensional transparent currentcollector with enhanced charge collection. Optoelectronics andAdvanced Materials – Rapid Communications. 2016, 10, 405–409. 4、GuangwuYang*, Bing He, Wenyue Guo, Lianming Zhao, Qingzhong Xue, HulinLi. Hierarchical NiO nanoflake arrays on nickel foam as asupercapacitor electrode with high capacitance and high ratecapability. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2016, 16,4169–4173 5、GuangwuYang*, Bing He, Fuzhen Zhao, Wenyue Guo, Qingzhong Xue, Hulin Li.High performance sponge MnO2nanotube monoliths. RSC advance, 2015, 5, 60831–60834 6、GuangwuYang*, Qing Wang, Chengcheng Miao, Zhongheng Bu, Wenyue Guo*.Enhanced photovoltaic performance of dye-sensitized solar cellsbased on ZnO microrod array/TiO2nanoparticle hybrid films. Journal of Materials Chemistry A,2013, 1, 3112–3117 7、GuangwuYang*, Chengcheng Miao, Zhongheng Bu, Qing Wang, Wenyue Guo*.Seed free and low temperature growth of ZnO nanowires inmesoporous TiO2film for dye-sensitized solar cells with enhanced photovoltaicperformance. Journal of Power Sources, 2013, 233, 74–78 8、Guang-WuYang, Guo-Yu Gao, Guang-Yu Zhao, Hu-Lin Li*. Effective adhesionof Pt nanoparticles on thiolated multi-walled carbon nanotubesand their use for fabricating electrocatalysts. Carbon, 2007,45(15), 3036–3041 9、GuangwuYang*, Yunqiang Wu, Baoli Wang, Wenyue Guo*, Zhaoyan Ren,Zhongheng Bu, Chengcheng Miao, Hulin Li. Effects of depositiontemperature and annealing temperature on the morphology andelectrochemical capacitance of Ni(OH)2thin films. Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, 2012, 16,3761–3767 10、GuangwuYang*, Baoli Wang, Wenyue Guo, Qing Wang, Yanmin Liu, ChengchengMiao, Zhongheng Bu. Hydrothermal growth of low-density ZnOmicrorod arrays on nonseeded FTO substrates. Materials Letters,2013, 90, 34–36 11、Guang-WuYang, Hulin Li*. Sonochemical synthesis of highly monodispersedand size controllable Ag nanoparticles in ethanol solution.Materials Letters, 2008, 62(14), 2189–2191 12、GuangwuYang*, Baoli Wang, Wenyue Guo*, Zhongheng Bu, Chengcheng Miao,Tong Xue, Hulin Li. Liquid crystalline phase synthesis ofnanoporous MnO2thin film arrays as an electrode material for electrochemicalcapacitors. Materials Research Bulletin, 2012, 47, 3120–3123 13、ChengchengMiao, Guangwu Yang*, Zhongheng Bu, Xiaoqing Lu, Lianming Zhao,Wenyue Guo, Qingzhong Xue. Preparation of large diameter and lowdensity ZnS microtube arrays via a sacrificial template method.Materials Letters, 2014, 115, 140–143 14、Md.Anower Hossain, Guangwu Yang, Manoj Parameswaran, James RobertJennings, Qing Wang*. Mesoporous SnO2spheres synthesized by electrochemical anodization and theirapplication in CdSe-sensitized solar cells. The Journal ofPhysical Chemistry C, 2010, 114(49), 21878–21884 15、GuoyuGao, Guangwu Yang, Maowen Xu, Ce Wang, Cailing Xu, Hulin Li*.Simple synthesis of Pt nanoparticles on noncovalent functionalMWNT surfaces: Application in ethanol electrocatalysis. Journalof Power Sources, 2007, 173(1), 178–182 16、CailingXu, Yongqing Zhao, Guangwu Yang, Fashen Li, Hulin Li*. Mesoporousnanowire array architecture of manganese dioxide forelectrochemical capacitor applications. Chemical Communcations,2009, 45, 7575–7577 17、JuliantoChua, Nripan Mathews*, James Robert Jennings, Guangwu Yang, QingWang, Subodh Gautam Mhaisalkar*. Patterned 3-dimensional metalgrid electrodes as alternative electron collectors indye-sensitized solar cells. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics,2011, 13(43), 19314–19317 18、JingLi, Jing Ren, Guangwu Yang, Pan Wang, Hui Li, Xun Sun, Long Chen,Jian-Tai Ma*, Rong Li*. Simple and efficient deposition of Pdnanoparticles on Fe3O4hollow nanospheres: A new catalytic system for methanol oxidationin alkaline media. Materials Science and Engineering B-SolidState Materials for Advanced Technology, 2010, 172(3), 207–212 19、FengyunZhang, Lianming Zhao, Hongguang Sui, Xiaoqing Lu, Guangwu Yang,Yahui Guo, Wenyue Guo, Qingtao Fu. Reactivity of ethanol withground state Ni+(2D)in the gas phase: A density functional study. Computational andTheoretical Chemistry, 2013, 1023, 29–37 20、LianmingZhao, Min Tan, Juan Chen, Qiuyue Ding, Xiaoqing Lu, Yuhua Chi,Guangwu Yang, Wenyue Guo, Qingtao Fu. The competitive O–Hversus C–H bond activation of ethanol and methanol by VO2+in gas phase: a DFT study. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A,2013, 117(24), 5161–5170 21、YangShao, Xiaoqing Lu, , Ke Li, Zigang Zhao, Xiaofan Shi, DongliangJin, Houyu Zhu, Guangwu Yang, Wenyue Guo, Theoretical insightinto photo-induced intramolecular electron transfer inheterodinuclear Ru(II)–Co(III) complexes, Materials Chemistryand Physics, 2015, 162, 6–10
授权国家发明专利3项: 1、杨广武,贺冰,苗程成,郭文跃。一种染料敏化太阳能电池光阳极薄膜光散射层及其制备方法。2016.01.26,中国,ZL201410103901.3,已授权 2、杨广武,刘彦民,郝俐明,郭文跃。后嵌入法制备ZnO纳米棒/TiO2纳米颗粒复合薄膜。2015.09.30,中国,ZL201210190580.6,已授权 3、杨广武,苗程成,卜忠衡,郭文跃。低密度ZnO微米棒阵列/TiO2纳米颗粒复合薄膜。2015.07.29,中国,ZL2012103966626,已授权 |